How Many Dice Can You Roll the Same?
This Week's Fiddler
When considering the three dice (d6) as distinct, there are possible rolls.
The number of ways all three dice match is (there are 6 different values it could be).
The number of ways exactly two of the dice match is (to choose the matching value) times (to choose the non-matching value) times (to choose which die is the non-matching value), making .
The number of ways that none of the dice match is .
The weighted average is thus , or about .
Answer: 53/36
Extra Credit
Brute force for (took about two minutes on my machine to run).
import itertools
from collections import Counter
from fractions import Fraction
total = 0
for rolls in itertools.product(range(1, 7), repeat=10):
total += Counter(rolls).most_common(1)[0][1]
ans = Fraction(total, 6**10)
So the answer is , or about .
Answer: 3.4447