Did xkcd Get its Math Right?
This Week's Fiddler
First, we can find , the chance that the two arrows are not cursed: .
Next, we can brute force all the possible rolls for 3d6+1d4 and see the chance that it's a 16 or above.
import itertools
from collections import Counter
from fractions import Fraction
counter = Counter()
for a, b, c in itertools.product(range(1, 7), repeat=3):
for d in range(1, 5):
counter.update([a + b + c + d])
p = Fraction(
sum(ways for roll, ways in counter.items() if roll >= 16), sum(counter.values())
Seems legit, xkcd!
Answer: yes, p = q = 2/9
Extra Credit
Brute-forced all combinations of up to four D&D dice, filtering out duplicates, seeing which of them had a value for which the probability of achieving at least a certain value was exactly .
import itertools
from collections import Counter
from fractions import Fraction
from typing import Sequence
counter = Counter()
for a, b, c in itertools.product(range(1, 7), repeat=3):
for d in range(1, 5):
counter.update([a + b + c + d])
p = Fraction(
sum(ways for roll, ways in counter.items() if roll >= 16), sum(counter.values())
def combinations_with_replacement(population: Sequence, k: int):
if not population or k <= 0:
if k == 1:
for option in population:
yield (option,)
for i in range(len(population)):
for combination in combinations_with_replacement(population[i:], k - 1):
yield (population[i], *combination)
dice = (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20)
for num_dice in range(1, 5):
for hand in combinations_with_replacement(dice, num_dice):
counter = Counter()
total = 0
for rolls in itertools.product(*(range(1, die + 1) for die in hand)):
total += 1
q = Fraction(0)
target = sum(hand) + 1
while q < p:
target -= 1
q += Fraction(counter[target], total)
if q == p:
pretty_hand = "+".join(
f"{count}d{die}" for die in reversed(dice) if (count := hand.count(die))
print(pretty_hand, "\u2265", target)
3d6+1d4 ≥ 16
1d10+1d8+2d6 ≥ 21
1d20+2d12+1d10 ≥ 36
Answer: 3 ways: 3d6+1d4 ≥ 16; 1d10+1d8+2d6 ≥ 21; 1d20+2d12+1d10 ≥ 36